Seven years, no itch!
This is the Tychus toque from Knitty. I made it from Lett-Lopi leftovers for my husband for our 7th anniversary - traditionally the woollen anniversary. Which I think is a little ironic given the idea of the seven year itch. Thankfully wool does not make my husband itch too badly.
The hat knit up very quickly. I shortened it by two stitches because I didn't want him to have to turn up the brim, but as you can see I didn't shorten it quite enough. It fits me really nicely too - perhaps I'll have to have one.
It looks like Kittycat is trying to sign "hat" in the first photo. She's wearing an outfit she was given for her birthday. Excuse the unfixed red eyes and the piles of laundry in that photo!
And here is my progress on Kittycat's dress. I've finished the skirt part and am on to the bodice. I'm now working back and forth on a circular needle, which means I have to purl on the circ - one of my most hated things to do. Oh well. I just can't pick-purl. I don't think I'll have it done for Christmas, but it might be done for the inlaws' family gathering on the 30th.